The business was started by Peter and Jennifer Greenlees on May 1, 1961.
Peter used a Heidelberg plattern press with Jennifer managing the finances. In the mid sixties Peter purchased the first offset machine in the Wairarapa. Greenlees Print has always appreciated the local community support and have had many legendary Christmas parties for clients and services between 1961 and 2004 Beer, pies and cards - Classic! In 1975 Paul Greenlees joined the business as a printer and binder. Dave Greenlees joined him in 1985 when he did his printing apprenticeship. In 1990 Paul took over the reigns. Dave then went on his big O.E. then rejoined the company in 2004. In 2014 the old original building was completely renovated and equipped for the next 50 years. In 2022 Paul retired and Dave has taken over running the business. |
The original Greenlees Heidelberg Plattern Press. Still in operating order.
Getting The Job Done For More Than 50 Years